About Us
We look for opportunities to invest in businesses that are not operating at their full potential
Type of business
We are a specialised private equity firm that invests in businesses with strong market positions and significant potential, in complex situations or requiring transformation.
We are industry agnostic. In our portfolio you’ll find businesses spanning heavy industrials, retail, and financial services technology sectors.
We tend to favour well established, stable industries and have less inclination towards businesses that are dependent on continual changes in technology, start-ups, or those involved in mineral exploration or real estate.
Size of business
We favour the middle market. We typically invest in businesses with $100m+ in revenues. We have invested in businesses which have not yet reached this level of turnover, particularly where there is significant asset backing, and also opportunities where there is potential to deploy additional capital during the course of our investment.
We primarily focus on businesses headquartered in Australia and New Zealand, even where they have global operations. We consider investments headquartered in Southeast Asia on a selective basis.
We thrive when situations are unusual or complex. Our operational focus enables underperforming businesses to significantly improve financial performance and business quality.
We believe the quality of management teams is highly correlated to investment outcomes. We identify and partner with industry leading management teams and are highly engaged in delivering operational improvement.
Niche investment position
Established position as one of the only dedicated operational turnaround managers in Australia.
Proprietary turnaround framework
We work collaboratively with management teams to deliver high quality, sustainable earnings improvement.